January 13
Today I was born, but when I came out of my egg, no one was there. I tried to look for my mom, but I could not find her.
January 25
I still can’t believe that my mom just left me and all of my brothers and sisters as egss!!
February 7
Today I was in a tree and it started to rain so I jumped 47 feet from the tall tree. It’s a new record!!

February 26
Today while I was walking to a river to get some water I saw one of the best divers that I have ever seen. He was a cute iguana too. His dewlap was perfect. He was about 7 feet long. I wish I could see him again!!
March 14
Today my friend Rachel invited me to her birthday party. In the invitation it said that they were going to have my favorite crickets. Yummy!!
Date: March 20
Time: 5 pm
Where: Rachel’s house
Food: Apple pie, flower buds,
crickets, and wax worms.
Hope You Can Come!!
RSVP: 654-0023
March 30
My tail fell off today because I got in fight (but thank goodness it will grow back).
April 4
I was sooooooo cold today. All I did was lay on a rock. I hate being cold blooded.

April 12
Today I ate all of my chocolate crickets. Then I ate the frozen mealworms. Now I’m going to the gym.
May 9
Today I was walking with Jake when Julie came by with all her bright colors. Jake just looked at her for a long time. Her tail had fallen off so we asked her what had happened. She said that some humans tried to take her, but the truth is she got it got stuck and it fell off. She’s such a liar. Luckily Jake knows this. That’s why Jake and I are going to the June dance together.
May 21
Today I woke up and a rock fell on my tail and broke it off. (It should grow back in time for the dance).
June 10
I was chillin’ up in a tree with some of my friends when one of my friends yelled, “SNAKE!!” We all paniced and jumped out of the 50 foot tree. It was fun when we jumped. I like jumping out of trees.

July 14
Today was the worst day ever. First I lost my tail. Then I fell out of a 50 foot tree. Then I met a fox and now it’s really dark!!!
August 3
Another Party:
Please bring one of the following…
• Crickets
• Wax Worms
• Mealworms
• Fruit
• Flower Buds
Thank You. Hope You Can Come.
August 21
Three things I like about being an Iguana:
1. I can fall 40-50 feet and not get hurt.
2. I grow to be 4-6 feet long. Maybe I’ll even grow 7 feet.
3. I can dive from a tree into water and swim away.

September 14
While I was sitting on the rocks, the boys were talking about which one of my friends, Amy or Jenny, had made a better burrow to lay their 50 eggs. In my opinion, neither did. Amy’s is too close to a snake’s nest and Jenny’s is right across from the wolf’s territory, but mine is right next to the lake. All the boys already know my burrow is the best.
December 14
I got an invitation for a Christmas dinner:
Neighbor X-Mas Feast!!
Day: Tuesday
Time: 6 pm
Where: Izzy’s house
Please bring one of the following…
• Candied Fruit
• Roasted Mealworms
• Mashed Crickets
• Flower Buds with Blueberry Sauce
RSVP 987-6543