The Dark House was dark. The old dark fence was rusty and spooky. The clouds looked like they came from a horror movie. The trees were dark, moldy, and looked like demons. The weeds looked as hands coming out of the ground. The lightening was as close as ever. Bats were falling from the sky. The house looked like some where Dracula would have lived, maybe an old man too. The house was tall, moldy, and spooky. The inside smelled like old men. The top had spikes that looked like they'd kill. That is why it is known as The Dark House.
I liked your use of similies. My favorite was that the trees looked like demons. Even though they are not demons, the looked LIKE them.
~ Ms. George
your stoier gots ever thang that you need so we dont thank that you need to add no more
by marvin and iyan
the story was good but it was over the top
Marvin, Iyan, & Chris-
What did you like about the story? What made it so good? Next time you need to say specifically what you liked.
~ Ms. George
well i think its a very big house, I like big houses. so this one like pretty scray, but its ok. and yeah it sounds like its hunted. so it would be cool to go there for a holloween day.
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