It was a long time ago In Mexico. There lived two nice people named Tom & Sam. They were best friends and they were going to the park. They got lost on the way home. They slept in the park and found a group of puppies that looked like they been lost and now found. There were alot of homeless dogs. They saw had no food to eat. The dogs were hungry and wanted to eat. They were starved. Tom & Sam took them home and fed them nice food and gave them good lives. They lived so happy and they had children. Yea!!!!!!!!
Excellent job for your first story!!
~ Ms. George
Dulce I liked how you put details where they got lost. Next time write about the dogs how they look like.
_By Carolina
I agree. I'd like to read a little more about what the dogs looked like. What color were they? Were they very big? Small?
~ Ms. George
I think this pitcher is so cute. i like dogs but these dogs are very cute. l think its a nice think that they got to have a home. they look happy.
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