Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Artist by Iyan

A painter with nothing to paint, a writer with nothing to write, and a singer with nothing to sing. These are some of the things artists run into. Some of them rise from it. Others believe that they will never be inspired. But for those people, they are in the blind stage. They can't see all of the inspiration in the world. One of my inspirations are miracles. Like a solder bleeding to death behind enemy lines, but a native nearby comes to his aid. Or someone in the hospital dying, but the next morning is healthy. These are some of my inspirations. So find your inspiration.
Because this is what artists do and breathe life into your art.

1 comment:

Senorita Jorge said...

I love reading what you write. You are one of my favorite writers!! You are truely an artist.
~ Ms. George