Friday, September 14, 2007

A Fisherman's Day by Zach

There was a fisherman that was doing his daily schedule getting ready to go out to the ocean. It was a hot summer day with a few clouds in the sky. His wife said, "Don't go out today. I have a bad feeling." "I have to go to earn money so we can eat," said the fisherman. After three hours the fisherman had caught nothing. Then a storm started out of the middle of no where. The fisherman tried to get out of it. The next thing the fisherman knew he was in the water. Then he saw it - the giant squid heading right for him. The squid grabbed him and swam away to an underwater cave. The fisherman said to the squid, "Thank you for saving me from drowning," said the fisherman. "Since I did you a favor, you have to do me a favor," said the squid. "Yes anything for you," said the fisherman. "I want you to stop fishing," said the squid. "No," said the fisherman. "If you don't I will keep you here until you will stop," said the squid. "Fine I will stop," said the fisherman. "Now I will take you home to your wife," said the squid. "Thank you,” said the fisherman. The next thing that the fisherman remembered was he woke up on the beach next to his house. He ran inside and told his wife everything that happened. They agreed that the fisherman must keep his promise. To this day, he has never gone fishing again.

1 comment:

Senorita Jorge said...

Good plot. I would have liked to know what new job the fisherman got.

~ Ms. George