Friday, September 14, 2007

Chicken by Marvin

One day I got a chicken. My mom said that we were going to eat the
chicken but I told them no. My brother grabbed the chicken and tried to
cut its head off. So I told my mom and she said not to eat the chicken.
I kept it outside and later I kept it in thelaundry room. Then I put
him in my bedroom and I feed it to what it eats. Then we got a puppy.
He's name is Smokey and my brother put him in the room with my chicken. My chicken just stood there and so did the dog. I thought they might get in a fight so I got Smokey out of my room. My brothers were laughing until I told them that I took Smokey out. We had the chicken for half of the school year. We had to move and we had to give the chicken away so we looked for a place for him to live. We found one place on a farm by my school in West Jordan. Now he lives there.


Senorita Jorge said...

I'm glad you didn't eat the chicken and you were able to find him a good home.

~ Ms. George

Anonymous said...

this story made me laugh!
good job!

Anonymous said...
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Senorita Jorge said...

What made you laugh? What did you think was so funny? It would be helpful if Marvin knew what you really liked about his story.
~ Ms. George