Wednesday, May 28, 2008
cinquains by brenda
I really like baing around her
My sister.
who who by alonzo
lover of soccer,music.and basketball and texting on my phone.
who feels sad,mad,cool,happy at school.
who need love,money,play more soccer.
who gives things to my sister.
who fears at bulls.
who would like to see.carmelo anthony.allen iverson.
cristiano ronaldo kaka.
who lives and a house in midvale and my room is so messi.
I am
whats going to happen when iam older
I here lound music in the car I see my self
being sad when I lose some one I want alot of money
Iam happy and very dareing
I imagine me standing in a field spinning
around I feel happy when iam with my friends
I touch people I worry when iam going to die
I cry when i lose some one whose my best friend
Iam happy and very dareing
I understand that i have to have good grades
I say that am always going to have a best friend
I dream that when iam older I will live a rich life
I try to do good in school I hope I have alot of money
when iam older Iam happy and very dareing
Two-tone by corey
When I am Blue I feel tired,
or lazy.
Other days I am red
When I amred I want to play sports or lift weights.
Today I am blue
Rough Draft
iam ok or when iam blue iam sad
other days iam pink when iam pink
iam calm or happy today iam blue sad
I Am Poem Cody
I wonder what new adventures lie ahead in life
I hear Mother nature singing a sweet melody every were
i go.
I see Gods creations and Mother natures beauty every
were i look.
I want to help change the world by helping people no matter
whats the cost is.
I am curious and adventurous.
I imagine the world were there less hatred.
I feel happy when everyone's at peace with each other.
I touch the soft silky fur of my puppy named Milo.
I worry when other are herting.
I cry when people close to me pass away.
I am curiuos and adventurous
I understand rules and boundries
I say everyones equal
I dream of forest scenes to the sound of mother nature.
I tty to sread happiness and joy
I hope i find my true love
I am curious and adventurous.
poem2 by alonzo
atractive,optimistic.nice,im good soccer.
cool,im a sucker for soccer.
it taste like ice cream
it sounds like rain it
smells like pink roses
it looks like red hearts
friendship feels like a
warm feeling
Two -tone Poem Cody
When I am joyful, and giving spreading
joy and happiness.
Or Hyper and excited I move around like the tops
of trees in a wind storm.
Other days I am a Lemon Yellow
When I am happy and can't stop laughing and smiling even
if someones trying to bring me down.
Or caring and giving to others emotions.
Today I am both yellow and green both are happy as can be.
Iyans peom 2
When I’m blue ice I want to be alone or I’m sad.
Other days I feel like white lighting.
When I am like white lighting I’m unpredictable or really happy.
Today I am like white lightning.
Friendship by Iyan
It tastes like rock pox.
It sounds like the radio blasting to metallic.
it smells like the exhaust of a four wheeler.
It looks two friends at a rock concert.
Friendship feels like a roller coaster
Topic Poem Cody
you see that special someone.
It Tastes like, sweet candy on halloween.
It Sounds like, beautiful birds singing a song
in the meadow.
It Smell like, millions of wild roses at sping time.
It looks like,well kind of like you and me.
Love feel like, someone has stolen your heart.
Topic poem
It tastes like eating your favorite candy
It sounds like Roller coasters running
It smells like an expensive cologn
It looks like a million dollars
Excitment feels like butterflys in your stomach
nice sister to ashley&amanda
lover of friends,freedom and
money feels exsidid at lagoon,
scared of highs and happy when
with friends needs water,gum,and
music gives love,laughter,and kindness
fears spiders,highs,and snacks
who would like to see staue of liberty,
peace on earth,and hawaii who lives in midvale
city, in the basement
Cinquain peom by corey
I love playing tackle football
Tall, nice with out coffee, and mean with coffee.
Big brother to geneses, star, and izaack.
Lover of Harleys, zombies, and metal.
Who feels sad at times, tired with out coffee and demonic 24/7.
Who needs Harleys, tacos, and coffee.
Who gives kindness, laughter, and advice.
Who fears not seeing sisters, losing grandpa, and demon cat.
Who would like to see Mont Everest, October fest, and disturbed.
Who lives in a room, in a house, and in Midvale.
I am by Carolina
I wonder how I am going to look like when i am older
I hear birds in the morning singing
I see the mountains from all the way over here
I want to go to collage and earn good money
I am exiciting,curiouse
I imagine peace in our world
I feel exicted to go to lagoon
I touch my boyfriends hands
I worry something bad will happen to my family
I cry when one of my friends or famly dies
I am exciting and curiouse
I understand that if you want something you work hard to earn it
inventing, fishing, and driving.
one of the coolest dude that lived.
Two-tone by Carolina
When I am worried,scared
or frightened, jumpy
Other days I am pink
When i am ful of joy and energy
or ful of happieness
Today I am white
Love by Carolina
It taste like dozens of Hershey kisses
It sounds like romantic songs
It smells like dozens of red roses at your door step
It looks like a heart full of love and pasion
love fells like a tingally feeling
poem by Alonzo
line 2.i wonder how much people live i the world.
line 3.i hear someone scream at my house at night.
line 4.i see me playing soccer in tv one time.
line 5.i wanrt to see soccer all day at home.
line 6.i im optimistic and hispanic.
line 7.i imagine me and the top of the moon jaja.
line 8.i feel one time im goin to be a mvp at soccer.
line 9.i touch the ball went i play soccer.
line 10.i worried one time be suspended from school.
line 11.i cry went i miss a penalty.
line 12.i am optimistic and hispanic.
Raely nines and
I love her
So muchs and i want to
Tell her
I miss her oll the time
And i dont lost her
Iyan's poem

I am independent and kind.
I wonder if I’m real or part of a dream.
I hear the engine of a harly.
I see a valley on a mountain.
I want to be a poker pro.
I am independent and kind.
I imagine me hunting the biggest elk of my life.
I feel joy when I’m with friends.
I touch the poker chips.
I worry that I won’t see my sisters.
I cry at the thought of losing my grandpa.
I am independent and kind.
I understand that if you don’t chase after something you lose it.
I say if you try you succeed.
I hope that I make it past 40.
I am independent and kind.
My Best Friend
believe i really love my best
friend Angela.
Auto-Bio Poem Cody
for my family and friends call me their little Toad.
Who is a short,bloned brown hair with blue eyes.
The brother to Amy,Shellie,Nicole,Savannah,Corry,
Bobby,Ray,and Jerrie.
The son to Lou Ann Elder ,and James J.Faircloth.
Lover of adventures,fun,respect,music,and sound of Mother nature,
movies and lots more.
who feel sad when othersare gloomy,and happy when
others are too,how feels excited
when good things happen to people who diserve it.
Who needs love, kindness,and Respect,
and his family and friends the most.
Who gives laughter and joy, and frustation to his sister.
Who fears Birds,sadness,terrorist.
Would like to see my dad out of prison,and the band Poison,
and my Grandparents on my dad side.
lives in his mom house in Sandy City,Utah
Auto-bio by Brenda
Funny,excited,and happy.
Sister of Ana and Oasis.
Lover of basketball, chocolate, and msuic in my room.
Who feels sad when alone, happy on weekends, and mad on days withe homework.
who needs sports, chocolate, and skatbording withe friends.
Who gives love to others, helpes when needed, and laughter.
who fears secary move, losing my family, and braking my legs.
who wouid like to see red grass, David Arhaleda, and the great wall of china.
Who lives in Utah, appartmens, my room.
Auto-bio by Carolina
organised talented and funny
Daughter of Margarita and Martin
Lover of music dancing while I am cleaning and being with my causins
Who fells exicited to go to lagoon and having fun in summer vacations
Who needs to talk to my frineds 24/7 and going to their houses and hanging out with them
Who gives love to everything and everyone I love my pets to they give me love
Who fears my best friends fighting, something happening to my family and scared of danger
Who would like to see wisin y yandel and chris brown and kevin loyette
Whop lives in a house with mom and dad and a brother
auto-bio by diana
Diffrent, loud, and funny
Daughter of Guadalupe and Gumecindo
Lover of food, music, dancing, and going to parties with friends
Who feels nervous for my 15 b-day party, happy when I'm with my friends, and sad when my family or friends are sad
Who needs some money, a bed, and food
Who gives love to my family and friends when they need it the most, kindness, and hate to people I don't like
Who fears snakes, my parents getting deported, and death
Who would like to see my family, no more wars, Bow Wow, Chris Brown, lil Romeo, wisin Y yandel, DJ flix, Pee Wee Gonzalez, and more
Who lives in a new house and midvale
Im so happy
Poetry by Miche
cute, sweet, loving.
walking, sleeping, eating.
I love Nathan with all my heart.
Funny, mean, taleated.
Daughter of Tina and Mike.
Lover of Nathan, sleeping, music, food, and candy.
Who feels hurt when I fight with my boyfriend, sleepy, happy in the summer.
Who needs a lot of sleep, food, love, and cared about.
Who gives help when people need someone the most, and almost everything.
Who fears spiders, loosing my boyfriend, and hights.
Who would like to see asia, a loogn, and my weding dress.
Who lives in a crapy trailer.
Topic poem
Love is the moon refecting off a pond.
It tastes like a sweet candy.
It sounds like my fav. song.
It smells like millions of wild, red roses.
It looks like a sun setting.
Love feeels like your floating though the sky.
Some days I am a soft pink.
When I am self-conscious or loving.
Other days I am a dark red.
When I am hating everything and don't want to be bugged or yelling, screaming, and sometimes crying.
Today I am both a soft pink and a dark red.
I am
I am curious and very clean.
I wonder what will happen to me in the next 3 years.
I hear my music playing loud.
I see the ocean.
I want to move back to Organ with my boyfriend.
I am curious and very clean.
I imagine a big beautful house by the sae.
I feel loved and cared about.
I touch my boyfriend (dont think nasty).
I worry that I can't do what I want.
I cry when I fight with my boyfriend.
I am curious and very clean.
I understand that it takes a long time to get from my boyfriends to my house.
I say that you can be my friend and hang out with poeple I don't like.
I dream to have a big house on the beach in Organ.
I try to save my money.
I hope I can gt what I want.
I am curious and very clean.
Acrostic Poem Cody
O.outging personality
D.Daring to do new and adventurous things
Y.young in age
Auto-Bio by corey
smart,aware,and talented
Brother of Brady,
Lover of Angela,basketball, and football
Who feels excited for summer break,Divers ed, and highschool
Who needs cars, money, and clothes
Who gives kindness, help, and love
Who fears snakes, spiders, and sky diving
Who would like to see Deron Williams, Lebron james,and marion barber
Who lives in a house in midvale,likes to play baskeball, and loves his girlfriend
Friday, May 9, 2008
alonzos faverite player
cristiano ronaldo is my favorite player and soccer his good at soccer he got moves and made great goals.i dream one of this days meet him or go to a game went he play that always dream to go to a game and meet him or play with him and i dream i can do some tricks like him i do a litle not alot like him. cristiano ronaldo is the best soccer player
Defining the Soul by Iyan
My life goals! By Cody
others can help me reach them too.Those are the main ideas iam going
to talk about.
MY life goals are: To succed in school, To graduate from high, And then
go to law school, And when i turn 21 years old i'am going to go to th
police academy to become a police officer. But if that doesn't work out
i'am going to try to become a lawyer.
What i can do to to reach my goals.
I can work hard in school to get good grades so i can get a good job.
I can also find programs thats can help me reah my career goals.
I can also reach my goals by staying away from and out of trouble.
How others can help me reach my goals.
Others can help by supporting me and my goals in life.
Others can help by, heling find programs that can help me
reach my goals.Others can help by helping me with my homework
or help me pay my way into law school.
This articel was about "What My life Are",what i can do to reach my goals,
and how others can help me reach my goals.
street racing by corey
Indoor Football by Corey
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Fruit by Dulce
My Weekend by Carolina
Im a sucker for... by Diana
*rock in spanish and some in english
2) food
*food from KFC...yummy!
*japanes and chaines food
*hot dogs
3) hanging out with my friends
*going to parties
*going to the mall
* I like going everywhere with my friends =)
Best food by Dulce
Pizza, Lasana, Rice, Spagetti, mole, pecoteada, enchilada caldos, tortilla, Posoli
brownie, chocolate, cake, hot coco,popcorn, fries, milkshake, ice cream
Shakespeare by Carolina
the best weekend ever! by Cody
and my friend Derek.
Well last weekend my brother,my nephew,and my firend derek and I went to my first
Utah Blaze game and had the grestest time.And we got free stuff like a rally towel, for those
who don't know what that is, it is a towel that has the teams name or lgo on it and when your
team scores or dose something good you wave your towel in the air to support your favorite
My brother and I also played a game this game at the blaze game .The game is , you
have to throw a football into one of three holes and if you make you get two free tickets to
any blaze game,but you you can win no matter what because you can play untel you win.
But the best part about the game was that Utah Blaze won 70 to 51, and we got to get
the teams autographs.
To Carolina
The sorrows of friends by Iyan
This story is dedicated to Cha Cha.
Monday, May 5, 2008
soccer moves by alonzo
Alonzo i know every think about soccer and i know how to do some tricks some tricks are cool and some are to hard like there one the called the bicicleta tgas not so hard to do and they there alot of cool tricks and they. there is a professional player the i want to meet his name is Cristiano Ronaldo. Hes like the best player now and thre is other one Kaka he was the player of the year in 2006,5007,2008 and the one cristiano ronaldo won the the mvp in 2000,2003,2005 there is alot of cool players the i want to meet went i play soccer want to meet them. and thy went i play soccer i want to do wat they do in the games they do cool tricks some times i want to do them and made the goal tne they made cool goals and i want to see one game of them play soccer ones went i grow up.
To Ms Cummings
So when are you going to come see me because I really want to see you? I know how to read a little better. I pratice every day at my house and at school to with Ms George.
Form, Cristian
To Ms Cragun
I really miss you because you are so nice and I want to see you.
So are you happy in your new school?
From Cristian
Deron Williams by corey
He is my favorite point guard of all time. The things that I like about him is he never gets mad at his team or the other team if they do something wrong, and my most favorite things are is when he does all of his moves to get to the hoop. I think in a couple of years he will get the M.V.P award. I hope that he will stay with the jazz for a long time because if the jazz are losing he does everything he can to try and get them to win.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My Life by Cristian

♥MY FAMILY ♥MY FRIENDS ♥MY GIRLFRIEND ♥MY TEACHER ♥ its a good thing that my teacher likes me because she is really nice to me. She likes when I work and when I pay attention. I love my school because my friends are here to help me. Ms. Heath is my favorite teacher because she helps me with my reading.♥
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Whirligig Review by Ms. George

This week I read Whirligig by Paul Fleischman. I loved the message of this book. To me, the theme is summed up perfectly on page 70. Fleischman wrote, “The effects of an act traveled far beyond one’s knowledge. Everything we did – good, bad, and indifferent – sent a wave rolling out of sight. He wondered what his own accounting, generations later, would look like.” I tell my students this same message weekly. I ask them, “How are you going to contribute to your community? Are your contributions going to make your community a better place or a worse place?” A lot of the time my students reply, “I don’t do anything. I don’t make contributions.” I try to explain to them that all actions, or inaction, shape the world we live in. I think this book will help them see that.
My 15 by Diana
Love by Carolina

Love is so beautiful once you know who is the right person, but not all people belive in love. For example, like me. I gave up on love because some guys love you so much they even cry in front of you or in front of your friends. But other ones just play around with your heart. You gave them everything and they just take advantage of you. You think they love you, but they really don't. On the other hand, love is a beautiful thing to share it with that one person that you might spend the rest of your life with.
Monday, March 10, 2008
My favorite basketball player by Corey
My feavorite basketball player is Lebron James. He playes small forward for the Clevland Cavaliers. Since he got Drafted by the Cav's he's been my favorite. I like him because he is good and he doesn't try to act better than everyone els. Lebron avrages twenty eight points a game and six asist. It would be so cool to meet Lebron James. One day i am going to get floor seats to a game and watch him play. My dream is to meet Lebron James and play in the NBA.
Skiing by Dulce
Africa by Corey
Africa is so cool! There are huge lions, giraffs, and many other animals. There are many things to do in Africa. I wish that you could come and hang out with me here. But before you come here you have to get eight stinging shots in your arm, but that doesn't hurt forever. People here are really nice and they teach you alot of things.
See you soon, Corey
brenda is good at... by brenda
2.At playin baseketball
3.havein fun
4.lookin at blue skies
5.lookin for my socks
6.drinkin Mountain Dew
7.suckin at skatin
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
An American Plague by Ms. George
A few years ago, I got on a plague/epidemic kick. At that time, I read half-a-dozen books all about diseases. Some of these books included:
- The Great Influenza by John M. Barry
- Invisible Enemies: Stories of Infectious Diseases by Jeanette Farrell
- Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster: The Discovery of the Smallpox Vaccine by Albert Marrin.
Jim Murphy described, in detail, the symptoms of Yellow Fever and the panic that gripped the city of Philadelphia during the 1793 epidemic. Murphy wrote, "The skin and eyeballs turned yellow, as red blood cells were destroyed, causing the bile pigment bilirubin to accumulate in the body; nose, gums, and intestines began bleeding; and the patient vomited stale, black blood" (pages 13-14). How could I not recommend this book?
I also have to recommend Fever, 1973 by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book is historic fiction. It follows the lives of fictional and historical people during Philadelphia's Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1973.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Post Card by Iyan
I'm in Thailand. It's beautiful here and the sky is beatiful and clear. I'm camping by a lake. I've been fishing, canoeing, and swimming.
The water is shallow so it's easy to fish here. The forest is green. I've also been hiking and bird wachting. Wish you were, Sis.
Chris's bucket list
2.fighit a cop a frog costume and play froger on a streat
4.repaint my truck
5.refurnish my tuck
6.go to a broncos game for byu
8.go to japan
9.go to sct land
10.shoot a moose
Iyan's bucket list
2. get shot
3. blow up a building
4. go shark fishing
5. hunt a alligater
6. cross the border to Mexico
7. jump out of a plane
8. spend a week on death row
9. go over Niagra Falls
10. go rafting in Alaska
11. bow hunting in the Amazon
12. drag race
13. watch Nascar
14. join a poker tornament
15. hunting in Africa
16. go to October Fest
17.climb Everst
These are the things I want to do before I kick the the bucket. There is one thing I got to do last.
18. tell family on my death bed don't cry at the funaral!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
American Born Chinese

I just finished reading American Born Chinese, a graphic novel by Gene Luen Yang. Although I had never read a graphic novel (nor was I planning on doing so), I had to because it was assigned in my adolescent literature class. The novel contains three different stories that cleverly weave together in the end. It contained a lot of humor and had an important message about accepting who you are and overcoming the desire to fit in. I highly recommend it!!
To read more about American Born Chinese or Yang's other books, click HERE.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Postcard by Chris
Greetings from Tokyo, Japan.
It's beautiful here the trees are pink, they are called Cherry Blossom. I saw a pagoda in an old forest. It's hard talking to people here, they speak Japanese. It is funny to hear how quickly they speak.See you later love Chris.
Hippie be Gone by Chris
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Rachel's Challenge by Ms. George
1. Eliminate Prejudice by Looking for the Best in Others
2. Dream - Set goals, Write goals, and Keep a journal
3. Choose positive Influences
4. Use Kind Words and Small Acts of Kindness
5. Start a Chain Reaction with Family and Friends
These 5 challenges were described in detail during a one-hour assembly. The student body was excellent during the assembly. They were attentive and quiet. Plus, I didn't see any cell phones or I-Pods - this is miraculous. After the assembly the students had a lot of positive things to say about the challenge. I think it will be an important program to help bring the student body together.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Rainy Day by Ms. George

Yesterday when I looked outside, I noticed it was raining. The sky was dark and gloomy. As I went to grab my red umbrella, I heard a crack of thunder that made me jump. Because I did not want to get muddy, I put on my old boots. I also grabbed my black raincoat. Now, I was ready for the rainy walk to school.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Football by Corey
Football is my second favorite sport. Since I play football for Hillcrest that is my favorite high school. I am going to try out for the sophmore team next year in the summer. The coaches look at your grades from fourth quarter this year and you have to get a two point zero grade avrage. I want to play quarter back and corner or receiver. Any position that I get I will be happy because I just want to play. My favorite team is the Dallas Cowboys. They are in the playoffs and I hope they go to the Superbowl.
More poems by Diana
En el cielo hay angelitos En el mar animalitos En el aire pajaritos y En la tierra papacitos.
Tonight I ask the stars above how i'll ever win your love what do I do what do i say to turn your angel eyes my way.
El dia que no te vea para mi no sale el sol y si sale no me alumbra como me alumbra tu corazon.
En el cielo hay una estrella que me llama la atencion en la ecuela hay un chico que me roba el corazon.
En la vida los tesoros no estan a simple vista hay que buscar los aprendede de mi que un dia buscando tesoro te encontre a ti.
Me gusta la pepsi me gusta la coca pero lo que mas me gusta es el sabor de tu boca.
I am thankful for by Carolina
my grandparents
fire place
reading and writing
English and Spanish(speaking languages)
where I was born
alvin and the chipmunks
Fav. Movie by Miche
I have a lot of fav. movies, but this one movie I love the most. Its called Pumpkinhead. It is a good movie. It is a scary movie, but I don't think it is that scary.
This movie is about 4 people that want revenge on 6 people that killed their love ones. So they went to a witch and she brings to life Pumpkinhead. It will go out and kill the 6 people that they want dead and anyone that gets in the way. The only way you can kill it is if you kill the 4 people that want revenge. When you kill Pumpkinhead, the last person that dies turns into Pumpkinhead. It's a really good movie. I love that movie.
Y stands for yin and yang.
A stands for accomplish and artist.
N stands for nuts.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Adolescent Literature by Ms. George
Shackleton had failed in his mission. And yet what he and his crew did succeed in doing in 1915-1916 was one of the most incredible feats of survival ever recorded. Every stage of their journey seemed more remarkable than the last. From January 1915, when Endurance was trapped in the ice, during its helpless drift through the Weddell Sea and its destruction in October, to the crew's long, miserable months of camping on the ice, the Boss had held his men together under terrible conditions. Their three-boat passage in April 1916 to Elephant Island was accomplished in spite of enormous odds. The voyage of the James Caird over 800 miles of winter ocean rivals any small-boat journey in history. Shackleton's trek across the unmapped peaks of South Georgia was the first in that hostile mountain range, and the survival of the crew in their hut on Elephant Island over one Antarctic winter is almost too much to believe. And yet it all happened Shackleton brought them all home.

Endurance after an ice floe hit it.

The crew with a lifeboat, after abandoning Endurance.
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Birthday is in 9 Days by A.L.
Favorite Things to Eat by A.L.
2. pizza
3. tocas
4. popcorn
5. Top Roman
6. rice
7. Chinese food
8. enchaladas
9. tucetos
10. Hot Pockets
These are the things I like to eat.
My 15 Anos Party by Carolina
Texas by Corey

I was born in Dallas, Texas. I lived there with my aunt until my mom and I had to move to Utah. My dad was with me until I was three years old. It was so much fun living in Dallas because there is always something to do, but the only bad thing is it gets really hot. The other bad thing is there are no mountains so you can't go snowboarding. I have a lot of family in Texas. That's why I want to move back there so bad. One day I hope to go back there and stay with my family.
Holidays By WB
Gifts I got:
1. PSP (really fun).
2. Bottle of Mona Vie (really good health drink).
3. $25 gift card to Target.
Those were really great gifts.
Over all I had a okay holiday break, can't wait until the next break.
States I have been to before I was 10 by Zach
Utah Jazz by Corey
My second favorite team is the Utah Jazz. There is not one player that I don't like from the Jazz. I have season tickets to every home game with my friend Darron and his dad. Sometimes we get stuff when the Jazz Bear or other people throw them to where we sit. Ever since I was little I've always loved to watch and play basketball. It's my favorite sport. I hope to be a profesional basketball player when I'm older. I think the best player on the Jazz is Deron Williams. He is the point guard for the Jazz. Jerry Sloan doesn't play rookies a lot so all the players that they get from college usually don't play until their first year has gone by then they might play for a quarter. I hope that the Jazz make it to the playoffs this year and win the finals.