My family and I like to go to the Jet Cars Races on Saturday nights. When we get there we pay for everthing, get drinks, food, and earmuffs for my little brother. Every kid that goes there always wants to see the cars so we always go to the pits to see them. One saturday,my brother ran over to the cars and started looking at them. The show didn't start for another ten minuts so we have plenty of time. After we walk over to our seats and sat down. The lights go off and the cars line up to race. The jet cars have a twenty four foot flame that comes out at the back and they are the loudest and the fastest. Two or three cars raced and they anounced,"we are going to take a short break and then get right back to racing."
The races started again and we sat down. Right when they started my brother said he wanted candy and a drink. I said,"ok hurry Let's go get some". We got to the stand and it is a huge line. There was a man in the line that was complaining about his food that he got. They told him to sit down on the table and they would make another order of food for him. My mom called and asked if we were ok.I said "yea, we are,good". We got to the window and asked for a hotdog and a drink. They said",We dont have anymore hotdogs,But we have the drink. Would you like that?"I did. I'm glad that was over . The races where about to start."Remember how I said that the jet cars shoot out twenty four foot flames. Well there were people on the side and in the back of the cars to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the cars.
The lights went on for them to g, but there was still a girl back behind a car. The flame hit her and she flew back five to ten feet. Feet when the ambulance arrived all her skin was gone. They took her in the ambulance and went to the hospital. We stayed there for two more races and then we went home. Every time I go back to the races, I wonder what happened to her.