Friday, May 25, 2007

I Am Poem by Valentino

I am strange and crazy
I wonder if my dreams will come true
I hear people cheering and screaming
I see rock band members
I want to be in a band someday
I am strange and crazy

I imagine my family watching me from heaven
I feel a slight change in my life
I touch my dad's hand when I was little
I worry that my dream won't come true
I cry when I lost my dad when I was little
I am strange and crazy

I understand that some dreams don't come true
I say dreams come true
I dream that I will be a rockstar
I try giving it everything I got
I hope I'll be in a band someday
I am strange and crazy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Val, I had no idea you were such a great writer with so many insights. Loved your poem. Mrs. Landon