Thursday, January 31, 2008
Rachel's Challenge by Ms. George
1. Eliminate Prejudice by Looking for the Best in Others
2. Dream - Set goals, Write goals, and Keep a journal
3. Choose positive Influences
4. Use Kind Words and Small Acts of Kindness
5. Start a Chain Reaction with Family and Friends
These 5 challenges were described in detail during a one-hour assembly. The student body was excellent during the assembly. They were attentive and quiet. Plus, I didn't see any cell phones or I-Pods - this is miraculous. After the assembly the students had a lot of positive things to say about the challenge. I think it will be an important program to help bring the student body together.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Rainy Day by Ms. George

Yesterday when I looked outside, I noticed it was raining. The sky was dark and gloomy. As I went to grab my red umbrella, I heard a crack of thunder that made me jump. Because I did not want to get muddy, I put on my old boots. I also grabbed my black raincoat. Now, I was ready for the rainy walk to school.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Football by Corey
Football is my second favorite sport. Since I play football for Hillcrest that is my favorite high school. I am going to try out for the sophmore team next year in the summer. The coaches look at your grades from fourth quarter this year and you have to get a two point zero grade avrage. I want to play quarter back and corner or receiver. Any position that I get I will be happy because I just want to play. My favorite team is the Dallas Cowboys. They are in the playoffs and I hope they go to the Superbowl.
More poems by Diana
En el cielo hay angelitos En el mar animalitos En el aire pajaritos y En la tierra papacitos.
Tonight I ask the stars above how i'll ever win your love what do I do what do i say to turn your angel eyes my way.
El dia que no te vea para mi no sale el sol y si sale no me alumbra como me alumbra tu corazon.
En el cielo hay una estrella que me llama la atencion en la ecuela hay un chico que me roba el corazon.
En la vida los tesoros no estan a simple vista hay que buscar los aprendede de mi que un dia buscando tesoro te encontre a ti.
Me gusta la pepsi me gusta la coca pero lo que mas me gusta es el sabor de tu boca.
I am thankful for by Carolina
my grandparents
fire place
reading and writing
English and Spanish(speaking languages)
where I was born
alvin and the chipmunks
Fav. Movie by Miche
I have a lot of fav. movies, but this one movie I love the most. Its called Pumpkinhead. It is a good movie. It is a scary movie, but I don't think it is that scary.
This movie is about 4 people that want revenge on 6 people that killed their love ones. So they went to a witch and she brings to life Pumpkinhead. It will go out and kill the 6 people that they want dead and anyone that gets in the way. The only way you can kill it is if you kill the 4 people that want revenge. When you kill Pumpkinhead, the last person that dies turns into Pumpkinhead. It's a really good movie. I love that movie.
Y stands for yin and yang.
A stands for accomplish and artist.
N stands for nuts.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Adolescent Literature by Ms. George
Shackleton had failed in his mission. And yet what he and his crew did succeed in doing in 1915-1916 was one of the most incredible feats of survival ever recorded. Every stage of their journey seemed more remarkable than the last. From January 1915, when Endurance was trapped in the ice, during its helpless drift through the Weddell Sea and its destruction in October, to the crew's long, miserable months of camping on the ice, the Boss had held his men together under terrible conditions. Their three-boat passage in April 1916 to Elephant Island was accomplished in spite of enormous odds. The voyage of the James Caird over 800 miles of winter ocean rivals any small-boat journey in history. Shackleton's trek across the unmapped peaks of South Georgia was the first in that hostile mountain range, and the survival of the crew in their hut on Elephant Island over one Antarctic winter is almost too much to believe. And yet it all happened Shackleton brought them all home.

Endurance after an ice floe hit it.

The crew with a lifeboat, after abandoning Endurance.
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Birthday is in 9 Days by A.L.
Favorite Things to Eat by A.L.
2. pizza
3. tocas
4. popcorn
5. Top Roman
6. rice
7. Chinese food
8. enchaladas
9. tucetos
10. Hot Pockets
These are the things I like to eat.
My 15 Anos Party by Carolina
Texas by Corey

I was born in Dallas, Texas. I lived there with my aunt until my mom and I had to move to Utah. My dad was with me until I was three years old. It was so much fun living in Dallas because there is always something to do, but the only bad thing is it gets really hot. The other bad thing is there are no mountains so you can't go snowboarding. I have a lot of family in Texas. That's why I want to move back there so bad. One day I hope to go back there and stay with my family.
Holidays By WB
Gifts I got:
1. PSP (really fun).
2. Bottle of Mona Vie (really good health drink).
3. $25 gift card to Target.
Those were really great gifts.
Over all I had a okay holiday break, can't wait until the next break.
States I have been to before I was 10 by Zach
Utah Jazz by Corey
My second favorite team is the Utah Jazz. There is not one player that I don't like from the Jazz. I have season tickets to every home game with my friend Darron and his dad. Sometimes we get stuff when the Jazz Bear or other people throw them to where we sit. Ever since I was little I've always loved to watch and play basketball. It's my favorite sport. I hope to be a profesional basketball player when I'm older. I think the best player on the Jazz is Deron Williams. He is the point guard for the Jazz. Jerry Sloan doesn't play rookies a lot so all the players that they get from college usually don't play until their first year has gone by then they might play for a quarter. I hope that the Jazz make it to the playoffs this year and win the finals.